Thursday, December 9, 2010

JohnMan Wesley

Mentored in the Fine arts of wave sliding and surfcraft design, JohnMan Wesley is a true Surf Gremlin. If Robin and Al had a love child it would be this guy. John Wesley is the most positive and most surf stoked person that you will ever meet. His shapes are amazing, and his kill in the water is mind blowing. Here at RWSS we are unorthodox to say the least. When JohnMan finished this last batch of boards instead of having them pack them and ship them, we had JohnMan hop on a plane and hand deliver them to us. In a world of mass production it is incredibly rare that the person who hand shaped your board would also hand deliver the board 2500 miles just so that he can surf with you! Now that is what we call customer service. It is also rare that the person making the board is an amazing surfer. It makes a huge difference in board design and overall function. When the shaper shreds, he knows how to make boards that work, even if they look a little different than you would imagine. We are currently working on a special collaboration with JohnMan and will keep you posted on what we are planning… Thanks for the stoke JohnMan, you are always welcome here in Charleston!!!


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