Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gato Heroi: Oz Autumn from Josh Simpson on Vimeo.Gato Heroi Surfboards presents:

Matty Chojnacki x Evan SickRat Daley x Andy Findlay

Slaying it on a variety of shapes and tapping into the involvement school of surfing on the East Coast of Oz.

Matt & Andy: Kook Killer
Evan: Vee Bottom

Noosa @ 4:35-
Matt: Simpkins 9'4"
Ellis: Death Dagger

South @ 6:50-
Matt: 8'0" Space Pig

Peaky Beachy @ 8:10-
Matt: Kook Killer

Nth Steyne @ 9:30-
Andy: Kook Killer
Ellis: Kook Killer
Matt: Slither

This is the extended trailer for the official Gato Heroi Australia flick...who knows when thats coming out!



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