Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WAVEGLIDERS | Interview by Korduroy contributor Carlos Saez

Intro & interview by Korduroy contributor Carlos Saez.

Surfers love surfboards, regardless of design or fashion trends, we have learned that we should ride whatever kind of board that fires our imagination. A surfboard is the link between the ocean and us. It is the object that provides us with that spiritual and mystical connection. It is our brush to draw lines in our water canvas. It is a magic tool to share the stoke, and is always a great feeling when we first put our hands on a new board. Many of our sport's shapers are not into this for the money, but to achieve the goal of making a living doing what they love and making people happy. I had the pleasure of visiting beautiful Portugal and meeting this crew of people that make beautiful surfboards, they were so welcoming and I enjoyed a lot to talk to them about what they do best. It is not a shaping bay, not a workshop, it is a bureau of stoked personnel. The Wave Gliders.

To see the complete interview click HERE

1 comment:

  1. I have a mini-simmons shaped by Nico at wavegliders and I LOVE IT! Great Board, classic glide
