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Sunday, October 11, 2020

California Soul by Tatsuo Takei | NobodySurf

"This video is all about the best of California soul surfing over the last two years. Most of the footage can be seen in the NobodySurf Originals series that I made for them. This is a unique collaboration with Jitzuwa Finder, who makes custom soundtracks for NobodySurf Originals. Also, I added footage which never made it to the series to come up with something new and exciting."

 Aloha and Mahalo Tatsuo Takei 

- Supported by - NobodySurf (@nobody_surf)

- Surfers - 
Erin Ashley (@wormtown)
Ryan Burch (@bobbersandsinkers) 
Lauren Canavan (@laurenkatecanavan) 
Brooke Carlson (@brookiebu) 
River Covey (@rivercovey) 
Derrick Disney (@gado_gadooo) 
Zack Flores (@zack_floress) 
Devon Howard (@devon_howard) 
Rob Machado (@rob_machado) 
Kassia Meador (@kassiasurf) 
Nick Melanson (@nickmelanson) 
Barrett Miller (@barrettmiller_) 
Hallie Rohr (@haalliiee) 
Karina Rozunko (@karinarozunko) 
Mele Saili (@mele_saili) 
Jen Smith (@jensmithofaloha) 
Makala Smith (@shredsista) 
Joel Tudor (@joeljitsu) 
Tosh Tudor (@toshtudor) 
J.J. Wessels (@jjwessels_) 
Natalie Wessels (@natalienicolewessels) 
Colin Whitbread (@colin_whitbread_) 
Tommy Witt (@t_witt_) 

- A film by - Tatsuo Takei (@tatsuo_takei) 

- Music by JITZUWA FINDER (@mickeyrock)
I find a July Slow Turning Be Blues Reprise Zen 715 
Soundtrack by JITZUWA FINDER on Spotify

- Location - California 
- Year - 2018 - 2020 
- Run Time - 30min 

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Do You Think You Could Rip a Transition-Era Skip Frye? | Surfer

"On paper, the latest “Shed Sessions” installment looked to be a recipe for success. A Skip Frye-shaped, JoJo Roper-repaired transition-era Gordon & Smith selected by “Shed Sessions” impresario and Bird’s Surf Shed owner Eric “Bird” Huffman and earmarked for SoCal stylemaster Devon Howard–what could go wrong? 

While that’s surely an unimpeachable crew of San Diegans, Howard’s virgin San Clemente test-drive got off to a shaky start, the 8’3” x 23 Œ” craft causing the typically stoic stylemaster fits and leading him to call the vee-bottomed relic, “hands-down, the worst surfboard I’ve ever ridden in my life.” 

Yet, if Howard’s surfing on the obscure vessel proved anything, it’s that his version of kooking it is an average surfer’s version of style and grace. Howard’s “Shed Sessions” also proves him a truly flexible thinker, one rearing for a challenge. With Huffman in tow, Howard visits Frye, hoping the man whose hands shaped the board will help Howard take control of its proverbial wheel. When asked for his thoughts on the board, Frye’s priceless answer reminds us why time spent in the bay with your local master craftsman is always time well spent."

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Los PlĂĄstico | A Search for the World's Largest Wave | Patagonia

"Five hundred miles off the Chilean coast, there’s a small island surrounded by thriving seas and powerful surf. When RamĂłn Navarro, LĂ©a Brassy and Kohl Christensen traveled there recently, they learned how the island’s residents are working to protect their wild waters and wild fisheries—and why, on the remote Isla Alejandro Selkirk, the word for outsiders is plĂĄsticos."

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Aequatio | The Sound of Change | Eurico Romaguera

Aequatio | The Sound of Change from Rhythm Livin on Vimeo.

"Equation comes from the Latin form Aequatio. Similarly to an expression with multiple and independent variables, Aequatio explores the mathematics of the ocean and the exponential function of surfing as a form of art.

The man from Portugal has delivered another dose of longboard poetry with filmmaker Daniel Espírito Santo. Set to the warm and angelic tones of K. Wolf and his guitar, Aequatio is five minutes of stylish surfing set at a dream-like pace and captured in ways that only compliment the individualistic nature of Eurico Romaguera. Ensure the headphones are on, your surroundings quiet and press play on his latest work."

Video by Daniel Espírito Santo
Music by K.Wolf

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Hobie Surfshop

JJ Wessels | NobodySurf Originals

JJ Wessels | NobodySurf Originals from NobodySurf on Vimeo.
J.J. is a true master of traditional longboarding. When San Onofre or Doheny is fun, you can see him doing crazy hang ten, heels, and fin first. If Churches is firing,  you will see J.J. riding a fish, mid length, or even finless with total control. It’s my privilege to work with him and I hope we can keep doing projects together. (Tatsuo Takei)

- Supported by -
NobodySurf (@nobody_surf)

- Surfer -
JJ Wessels (@jjwessels_)

- Film/Edit -
Tatsuo Takei (@tatsuo_takei)

- Music -
"Horizon" by JITZUWA FINDER (@mickeyrock)

- Location -
California, USA

- Year -

- Run Time -

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Craft Connections | Mollusk Surfshop

Craft Connections Pt. 1 from Mollusk Surf Shop on Vimeo.

"For part 1 of "Craft Connections," Jack Coleman focuses his lens on Tyler Warren, who picks apart a playful cobblestone point with his trusty twin fin in tow."

Board ridden:
5'3 Jah Fish

Craft Connections Pt. 2 from Mollusk Surf Shop on Vimeo.

"Jack Coleman and Tyler Warren are back for the second installment of "Craft Connections Pt. 2". Be prepared to change lanes. Pickle is cooking on his 18-wheeler, double clutching down the Grapevine with style. A master behind the wheel."

Board ridden:
10'1 David Edwards

Click the link to see our current inventory of Tyler Warrens:

Jazz Mix featuring Bob James Deodato, and Kenny Burrel

Ryan Burch | NobodySurf Originals

Ryan Burch | NobodySurf Originals from NobodySurf on Vimeo.

"I met Ryan at Cardiff Reef around 2009. He had just shaped his longboard by himself and surfed it really well. A few years after, I visited Ryan’s shaping room and found out his passion for surfing and shaping. Four years later, Ryan was riding an asymmetrical longboard (for backside) at Swami’s. I was blown away by his creative approach for backside nose riding. Currently, Ryan is still constantly pushing the his limits of surfing and shaping. (Tatsuo Takei)"

- Supported by -
NobodySurf (@nobody_surf)

- Surfer -
Ryan Burch (@bobbersandsinkers)

- Film/Edit -
Tatsuo Takei (@tatsuo_takei)

- Music -
"Blue Sky, Red Demon" by JITZUWA FINDER (@mickeyrock)

- Location -
California, USA

- Year -

Friday, January 10, 2020

Tosh Tudor | NobodySurf Originals

Tosh Tudor | NobodySurf Originals from NobodySurf on Vimeo.

- Supported by -
NobodySurf (@nobody_surf)

- Surfer -
Tosh Tudor (@toshtudor)

- Film/Edit -
Tatsuo Takei (@tatsuo_takei)

- Music -
JITZUWA FINDER (@mickeyrock)

- Location -
Cardiff, Encinitas, California, USA
Malibu, California, USA
Lowers, Trestles, California, USA
Newport Beach, California, USA

- Year -

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Clovis Around Home | Deflow

Clovis around home from DEFLOW on Vimeo.

"On a short break from the winter swells, we met up with Clovis Donizetti for some classic sessions at CĂŽte des Basques in Biarritz. With his own sound and style, Clovis showed us his ability to turn any wave into a unique dance.

We have always loved surfing for the freedom that it gives you and the lifestyle that it used to and still does represent. Styles and personalities that emerge from distant places and then connect in a little community of surf enthusiasts that are brought together through their love of the most basic aspect of surfing: having fun."

Filmed and edited by Martxel Txintxurreta
Music: Gotta dance - Jimmy Giuffre
Supported by

Margaux | Deflow

Printemps avec Margaux from DEFLOW on Vimeo.

"The beginning of spring is not always determined by fixed calendar dates. The phenological definition of spring relates to biological indicators, such as the blossoming of a range of plant species and the special smell of soil that has reached the temperature for micro flora to flourish.

For us, surfers and ocean lovers, spring starts when days get longer, winter storms stop and classic longboard sessions come back.

This time, spring began a couple of weeks ago, when we met Margaux for a classic surf in Biarritz."

Filmed and edited by Martxel Txintxurreta
Music: Petite Fleur by Petula Clark
Supported by

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

"Think Bing" - Documentary celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Bing Surfboards brand

After peeking the blog of my friend "Chuk" Solis - Diario de un Churfer, I couldn't resist sharing this fabulous documentary about one of the oldest brands of surfboards still in business. Founded in Hermosa Beach, California in 1959 by Bing Copeland. A very interesting Documentary that I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Noserider Surfshop

Happy New Year 2020

After a long absence on the blog in 2020 I plan to return to posts!

I am very happy to see the Longboard community in the city of Porto growing. Helping this growth are local shapers and surfshops.

Today we will talk about a very recent Surfshop in the Greater Porto area. Noserider Classic Surf Store opened on November 23rd, 2019 and features some of the best brands in the market:

Aloha Zen, Chris Christenson, TCSS, Dakine, Creatures of Leisure, Pukas, NCHE, Guy Takayama, Harley Ingleby, Herschel, Mc Tavish, CJ Nelson, FCS, Rhythm, Topo Design, Vissla and more.

A imagem pode conter: ar livre

A imagem pode conter: interiores

Nenhuma descrição de foto disponível.

The store is located in Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos at Avenida Dr. Fernando Aroso, 1050 and is open from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 - 13:00 and from 14:00 - 19:00.

I'll be honest I haven't had a chance to visit the store in person yet, but I want to do it soon and I hope to bring some friends with me! If you are in Porto do not forget to visit this store.

Some of the toys in the store ...

A imagem pode conter: pessoas em pé

Nenhuma descrição de foto disponível.

A imagem pode conter: pessoas em pé

Nenhuma descrição de foto disponível.

Enjoy to follow the store on social media, here are the links

Friday, January 18, 2019

Experience Surf Company | Board Lock

William Fleming contacted me a few days ago to make his new project known. A product that I think we all surfers one way or another always wanted.

Who has never surfed and transported the boards in the roof racks of the car, but on the way had to stop and go buy anything. But always with that feeling that when you return to the car the boards will not be there anymore.

To not have this feeling again, William began to think how he could solve this problem!

Kickstarter launch video: