Matt was invited along with Pat Rawson, Robert August and a selected few to shape at the recent Sacred Craft SHAPERS 4 HUMANITY Expo. Matt decided to shaped a Bing Pipeliner Gun. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on this board for myself. Well done Matt.
Here is one spiffy longboard. It's a 9'2" Model "M" handshaped by local legend and authentic guru craftsman, Mike Slingerland. The nose and tail blocks contain resin inlays made by Mike and his neighbor John Peugh. Super clean glass-job by the Moonlight Glassing crew as always.
Congrats Andy on an awesome "however old you want to say you are" birthday present. Really we should be thanking the sweeter much better looking half or your life, and or CFO for that matter, for allowing such a beautiful slider in to da quiver! (now for the next order, we'll make it the same color so she won't notice!) HAHAHAHAHA
Double Shakas!!
J Hall R and D pilot Mark, inspecting new nose template, his was the first edition of this model a while back and it just caught on!
"Agreed, the Shores line up will love this thing!" Look out Papa Etch!