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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Peanut Butter" | The Sea Appreciation Project

A short story displaying a friendship between a special surfboard and it's rider, "Peanut Butter" is a refreshing love tale from the sea. Watch the first film collaboration of soul surfer/positive living enthusiast Leah Dawson and peace-bringing musician/poet Michael Franti, as the story of Peanut Butter comes alive in the clear blue waters of the North Shore of Oahu. Celebrate the Sea.

"Peanut Butter"
The Sea Appreciation Project

A Film By: Leah Dawson
Story By: Michael Franti & Leah Dawson
Footage By: Anna Santoro & Leah Dawson

Music: "Beneath the Trees" Sam Luna available on itunes !

Shot 100% on GoPro Hero3 Black Edition

copyright Leah Dawson
*music is released with artist

Monday, April 22, 2013

10 Days in Central America | Bonus Ford Archbold Freakout

10 Days in Central America | Bonus Ford Archbold Freakout from RVCA on Vimeo.
10 Days in Central America is 4 part web series created by Jimmy James, starring Alex Knost, Ellis Ericson and Ford Archbold. Part 4 Bonus Ford Freakout Section. Music: The Memories "Kiss Me"

For the full 10 Days in Central America experience visit:

Foam and Wood

New Zealand shaper Roger Hall is a master at whatever he puts his hand to. 
His current passion is revisiting the Hot Curl model and ramping it up with more than a modern twist.

These boards are finless and the wood adds the weight to help hold the tail into the power of the wave.

As you can see it is a pretty solid lump of wood , but not just one piece. Roger loves to laminate and mix up the timbers he uses.

Not only is it very hard to work with wood and foam together due to the differences in densities but he has so many different timbers that vary as well to make it even harder. And this is all hanging off the end of the foam. A true test of anyones skills. But as you can see not only is it a great design with the flowing lines of the board enhanced by the beautiful timber.

Hands of the master.

Form and function

Who do you know that would cut and glue up 7 stringers and foam like this. I have seen him do 13.

Great shots from Mike C.
Lets hope Roger can make it to the Wooden board day this year.

Almost Cut My Hair | Official

Almost Cut My Hair - Official from Ryan Lovelace on Vimeo.

Almost Cut My Hair is a zero budget surf film containing approximately 96% pure surfing coupled with an original sound track worth listening to...The only catch is that everyone involved is riding a surfboard that I built. If you can get past that last bit, I think you'll get a pretty killer show.

What I've attempted to create is my ultimate surf movie; one that I want to watch over and over and over. One that reignites a culture in surfing based on fun, experimentation, hand-built surfboards and an stripped down, open minded approach. Santa Barbara breeds a unique type of surf existence; one soaked in individuality, innovation and the ever important ideal of quality over quantity.

The film features an extremely diverse quiver of contemporary surfboards from single-fin mid lengths to high performance fish variations, 5' nuggets all the way to the finless freedom of the RabbitsFoot experiment.

Containing the imagery, musical and/or surfical talents of: Travers Adler, Trevor Gordon, Michael Kew, Landon Smith, Will Adler, Morgan Maassen, Ryan Burch, Troy Mothershead, Ryan Lovelace, Ari Browne, Johnny McCann, Phil Browne, Joseph Horswell, Washmen and the Fisher, Simon Murdoch, Charlie Parr, Connor Lyon and piles more...

Music here by Landon Smith - Sliding


Gene Cooper and Christian Wach are working on a new board based on Dave Paquin’s missing Foil2

The Kink!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Van Diemans Waters

Van Diemans Waters from Nicholas Damen on Vimeo.
On a small island south lies a bay, on this island the green hills roll down from the mountains and out into the sea.
Small boulders feather out from these hills and into the ocean to meet a sand bottom.
For when a deep low arrives it supplies the mountain tops with a dusting of snow and lines to feather and wrap into these boulder lined points.
Here two men explore this land and her waters, a land they call Vandiemans land.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hey! I Work For A Living

Hey! I Work For A Living from Drew Miller on Vimeo.
Two beautiful bros return to the ocean after work to catch some evening glass off. Shot on location somewheres in Florida around 5 p.m. the other day.

Music: Blackfeet Braves "Vicious Cycle"

The Waxhead Diaries | Matt Chojnoski

The Waxhead Diaries from Fuel Tank TV on Vimeo.

Josh Hall, Gypsy Shaper

Big Sky Wire

By Michele Lockwood

Charismatic San Diego shaper Josh Hall reflects on his gifted relationship with legend shaper Skip Frye, his worldwide gigs as a gypsy-shaper and theories behind the conscious choice to turn down the lure of computers in place of a planer. Josh’s story reconfirms the theory of the extended global surf-family as sustainable support network joined by mutual friends, waves and in this case, wine. Travel combined with surfing makes the world that much smaller.

Full interview, read more:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

10 Days in Central America | Part 3

10 Days in Central America | Part 3 from RVCA on Vimeo.
10 Days in Central America is a 4 part web series created by Jimmy James, starring Alex Knost, Ellis Ericson and Ford Archbold. Song by Tomorrows Tulips "Misses Hash"

For Release Dates, Videos and Photo Gallery visit:

Monday, April 15, 2013


BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER from Matt King on Vimeo.
A lil ditty of brother Ian and his aquatic activities via breakfast, lunch, and dinner one fine autumn day recently. Filmed in the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. Music // Cotton Jones Basket Ride | It may never pass again.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sage Joske | Inner-Views

Sage Joske - Inner-Views from on Vimeo.
As a shaper, Sage Joske may be following in his father, Paul's, footsteps, but as a designer he's creating his own print. While paying homage to historical craft, Sage refuses to limit himself to conventional board designs. The result is a creative outpour of funky takes on tails and rails, surfboards that explore the waves in a whole new way.

In this episode of Inner-Views presented by VSTR, Sage shows us what possibilities lie in combining the old with the new, and that the process of creating surfboards includes more than the materials at hand.

For more about Sage's boards, check out:

Cyrus Sutton

Cyrus Sutton

James Campbell

"Lamar's Pineapple Orchestra Plays The Hits, Here At Jack's!"


SEEA teaser from Shaun Fenn on Vimeo.
Collaboration with folks at SEEA apparel to introduce a new line of neoprene in the summer.
Original soundtrack by Emmit Fenn.

CeCe Surfboards Showroom | Torrelavega, Cantabria (Spain)

CeCe Surfboards Showroom from Jorge Hunt on Vimeo.
Aqui teneis un video de la inauguración del CeCe Surfboards Showroom que ha abierto sus puertas al público. Un lugar donde no solo puedes ver Longboards de calidad y material de surf ,sino que puedes pasar un rato agradable escuchando música, tomando un cafe y charlar con Ruben Fuente y compañía.

Here's a video of the opening of the new CeCe Surfboards Showroom. It's not only a place where you can take a look at quality Longboards and surf material but it´s also a place where you can have a chat with Ruben Fuente and company while you are having a coffee.

Music by The Allah-Las
Track: Sacred Sands
Cam/editing: Jorge Hunt

CeCe Surfboards Showroom - Torrelavega, Cantabria (Spain)

Master Skip | 11'2" Gypsy