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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tribal Surf

Hi there,

I wanted to let you know about the revamped Tribal Surf online
community which is now very social networking oriented -  I want to emphasize that Tribal Surf,
unlike these other "surfing social networks" is not part of some
bigger conglomeration - there is no Tribal Soccer or Tribal Knitting.

Tribal Surf was started by a handful of us So Cal surfers just wanting
a more high tech way for us to know where everyone was paddling out.
It picked up traction so we expanded it to all of California.  Leaving
the traditional forum format behind for a social networking core, the
new Tribal Surf is now open to the world and to all forms of surf

We'd certainly be stoked if you were willing to spread the word
through your site but all we can really ask is for you, as a surfer
like all of us, to simply check it out.

Stay stoked,


Rob Rama, Founder

Tribal Surf | The surfers social network

Friday, August 23, 2013

T'was Tasmania Times

T'was Tasmania Times from Dean Darby on Vimeo.
A nostalgic account of a time when Matt Chojnacki & Andy Warhaurst rode their surfboards along the points around Hobart Tasmania

Sapphire | June 2013

Sapphire - June 2013 from Perk and Pearl on Vimeo.
Ed, Mike and JT out at Sapphire in Redondo Beach.

Ed Solt
Mike Siordia
JT Sabala

Shot and Edited: David Perkins

Music: Kevin MacLeod - As I Figure

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sliding Sideways

sliding sideways from kris klein on Vimeo.
Heres the second clip cut from the footage I shot in Noosa earlier this year.
Featuring some of the highlights from the Festival of Surfing with TCSS & KEYO team riders and a few incredible waves from the Duct Tape that wouldn't fit in the last vid.

Thanks again to TCSS and KEYO . Cant wait for next year!

music - Dr Dog 'Heart it Races'

Cam/Edit - Kris Klein

Thanks for watching

Hand Shapes by Tyler Warren

9'9'' Salinas

Mixed media on foam and resin

New Dream Fish
5'4'' Hand Crafted in California

10' Glider

Gold Soap

Twin Pin


in, Past Present and Future

Nuages Glissants

Nuages glissants from YrwanGarciaLéal on Vimeo.
My friend Remy Barreyat shoot some summer waves of Robin Falxa and me at Lafitenia with a cheap waterproof camera. I edited this short clip with this cool song from DIIV, enjoy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Alex Knost | California Summer

Alex Knost | California Summer from RVCA on Vimeo.
Alex Knost sliding his way through another California Summer. Filmed and Edited by Jimmy Jazz, Song - So Desperate by King Tuff

Alex Knost -
California Summer -

Sunday, August 18, 2013


veed from Bird Man Media on Vimeo.
check out this clip of Daveed Arganda shredding on some knee high surf at the Oceanside Pier.

for more check out

Thursday, August 15, 2013


DEEPEST REACHES from Sam Schafer on Vimeo.
Kyle Albers shapes DEEPEST REACHES.

SURF : Kyle Albers, Sam Schafer

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Vans Salinas International Longboard Festival 2013 | Lifestyle

Vans Salinas International Longboard Festival 2013 - Lifestyle from Vans Europe on Vimeo.
24th to 28th of July 2013, Asturias Spain.
Vans riders Clovis Donizetti, Antoine Delpero and Mikel Urigoitia, were invited to the 12th edition of the Vans Salinas longboard Festival. Between music concert, film festival, few beers, the team enjoyed some incredible waves, to show us their talent during the longboard classic (1 fin, No leash) event.
With a solid surf, Antoine claimed this edition for the second consecutive year, 2nd place for styli Vans rider Clovis Donizetti.

ALMOND Surfboards | Lookbook Video Fall 2013

ALMOND // Lookbook Video Fall 2013 from Almond Surfboards on Vimeo.
Coming Fall 2013

The new Almond menswear collection is made in California and draws inspiration from the surfing heritage that surrounds us. Our goal is to create timeless, quality pieces that reflect our commitment to being the premier lifestyle brand of the Surfer + Craftsman.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Alex Knost 'California Summer' Teaser

Alex Knost 'California Summer' Teaser from RVCA on Vimeo.
Teaser for a new web series titled 'California Summer' featuring RVCA Advocate Alex Knost.

The series will also capture footage of Ford Archbold, Tanner Prairie, Kalani David and Tyler Gunter.

Filmed and Edited by Jimmy James, Music by Tomorrows Tulips.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Vans Salinas International Longboard Festival 2013

Vans Salinas International Longboard Festival 2013 from Vans Europe on Vimeo.
24th to 28th of July 2013, Asturias Spain.
Vans riders Clovis Donizetti, Antoine Delpero and Mikel Urigoitia, were invited to the 12th edition of the Vans Salinas longboard Festival. Between music concert, film festival, few beers, the team enjoyed some incredible waves, to show us their talent during the longboard classic (1 fin, No leash) event.
With a solid surf, Antoine claimed this edition for the second consecutive year, 2nd place for styli Vans rider Clovis Donizetti.

HOME COMING TRAILER by Nathan Oldfield

HOME COMING TRAILER from Surfilmfestibal on Vimeo.
Debolex. Euskadi. 2013.

Home Coming tells the story of Nathan Oldfield's trip -along with his whole family- to the Basque Country, the land of some of his ancestors. The aim is to film here part of his latest film. Once in the Basque Country, Nathan discovers not only unique places and waves, but also a feeling of belonging to a community which goes well beyond surfing. He discovers a series of characters, surfers, friends...and from the very beginnig he feels he is with his people; he actually returns to his homeland.

Fat Cat de Crème by Gato Heroi

Fat Cat de Crème from gatoHeroi on Vimeo.
New Fat Cat de Crème by Gato Heroi, shaped by Robin Kegel.

Hepcat: Clovis Donizetti

Filming by Jb Letoile editing by Yrwan Garcia Leal.

Music: Bud Shank- Autumn Leaves

Monday, August 5, 2013

A Basque Holiday | Cyrus Sutton and Ryan Burch

A Basque Holiday from on Vimeo.
Cyrus Sutton and Ryan Burch headed to the Basque Coast this past January and scored the biggest swell of the season. Cyrus traveled there to direct a short documentary for the Basque Cultural Center about the people and geography of this fabled region. Here are some waves they caught over the course of two weeks they spent traversing the rugged coast that straddles the Spain and France border.

Sancho Rodriguez

Ryan Burch, Cyrus Sutton, Sancho Rodriguez, Peta, Luc Rolland

James Campbell

©2013 KorduroyTV

McTavish Bluebird

McTavish Bluebird from McTavish Surfboards on Vimeo.
Wispy takes a little trip to test ride his new Bluebird down the coast

Wednesday, July 31, 2013