I wanted to let you know about the revamped Tribal Surf online
community which is now very social networking oriented -
http://www.tribalsurf.net/. I want to emphasize that Tribal Surf,
unlike these other "surfing social networks" is not part of some
bigger conglomeration - there is no Tribal Soccer or Tribal Knitting.
Tribal Surf was started by a handful of us So Cal surfers just wanting
a more high tech way for us to know where everyone was paddling out.
It picked up traction so we expanded it to all of California. Leaving
the traditional forum format behind for a social networking core, the
new Tribal Surf is now open to the world and to all forms of surf
We'd certainly be stoked if you were willing to spread the word
through your site but all we can really ask is for you, as a surfer
like all of us, to simply check it out.
Stay stoked,
Rob Rama, Founder
Tribal Surf | The surfers social network