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Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Alaska Sessions
Alaska Sessions from Alaska Sessions on Vimeo.
Mr. McCune sells his house and buys an old fishing boat to embark on an epic surf adventure. He and his eclectic crew travel up the isolated Alaskan coastline in the dead of winter. It’s cold, it’s dark, and these guys aren’t exactly pro-surfers, but in the words of one crew-member, “when your stoke is hot, you can endure a lot.”
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Do not miss this Thursday 7th - ARMAZÉM DO CHÁ, Porto - The Growlers and Tomorrows Tulips.
Os Tomorrows Tulips (Burger Records) são um dueto californiano que se esforça por manter a bela tradição do ligeiramente vagabundo, ligeiramente feliz, ligeiramente fora de tom, ligeiramente underground. Não são, na sua essência, revivalistas dos anos 90, ainda que na sua extrema astúcia musical exista essa reminiscência, distinguindo-se pela forma como flutuam no território de uma quase caótica liberdade experimental. Os Tomorrows Tulips nomadizam entre o harmonioso e o sinistro, atingindo, nesse suposto antagonismo, uma estranha, ainda que labiríntica, simbiose melódica. Há, nas guitarras distorcidas e vozes lo-fi, o exercício do sortilégio, a procura de uma paixão primitiva afogueada pelos desejos mais íntimos, ainda que essa busca se desdobre num ambiente tépido e luminoso. Para este dueto norte-americano, nunca a adolescência foi tão conceptual. O seu último álbum, Experimental Jelly, editado pela prezada Burger Records, foi lançado em Março do corrente ano.
The Tomorrows Tulips ( Burger Records ) is a Californian duo that strives to maintain the fine tradition of slightly bum, slightly happy, slightly out of tune, slightly underground. There are, in essence, revivalist 90s, even in their extreme cunning throwback musical that exists, distinguished by how float in the territory of an almost chaotic experimental freedom. The Tomorrows Tulips travel between smooth and sinister, reaching this supposed antagonism, a strange, albeit labyrinthine melodic symbiosis. There, the distorted guitars and voices lo-fi, the exercise of sorcery, seeking a passion for primitive flushed innermost desires, though this search to unfold in an environment warm and bright. For this duet U.S., never adolescence was so conceptual. His latest album, Experimental Jelly, published by prized Burger Records, was released in March this year.
Os Growlers são uma banda americana formada em Dana Point, Califórnia, em 2006, e entretanto mudou-se para Costa Mesa, Orange County. A banda é composta por Brooks Nielsen (voz), Matt Taylor (guitarra), Scott Montoya (bateria), Anthony Braun Perry (baixo) e Kyle Straka (teclados e guitarra). O seu primeiro álbum, Are You In ou Out, foi lançado em 2009. Hot Tropics, o segundo longa duração em 2010. Em Janeiro de 2013 lançaram o terceiro álbum da banda, Hung at Heart. O som da banda combina o rock da Califórnia dos anos 60 com o psicodelismo e surf rock.
The Growlers are an American band formed in Dana Point, California, in 2006, and though he moved to Costa Mesa, Orange County. The band consists of Brooks Nielsen (vocals), Matt Taylor (guitar), Scott Montoya (drums), Anthony Braun Perry (bass) and Kyle Straka (keyboards and guitar). Their first album, Are You In or Out, was released in 2009. Hot Tropics, the second long-term in 2010. In January 2013 released the band's third album, Hung at Heart. The band's sound combines the California rock of the '60s with the psychedelic and surf rock.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Spin and Grin | The surfing side of the Deus Slidetober Fest 2013
Spin and Grin. The surfing side of the Deus Slidetober Fest 2013 from Deus ex Machina on Vimeo.
They came from both far and near. To compete, sit on the beach, drink beer and cheer. A surf event that’s always a spectator sport. It’s a market well stocked in both ooohs and ahhhs. Guest commentary brought with it a lot of ha, ha, ha’s. Black beach sand and burgers on hand. It’s the Deus Slidetober Fest 2013; Surfing!
Another magnificent memento from the Deusconjurors of the moving images. This sweet little homage to a well-spent day at the beach. We all wish they could be like this.
We’re hoping that this might be the incentive you need to join us for our next one in 2014.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Abiding Tides
Abiding Tides from Macauley Rae on Vimeo.
Searching long lonely beaches and trekking up the length of cobblestone point breaks. Waiting for swells and enduring winds. Whilst abiding the tides of the Sea in hope of waves. This is Brett Caller surfing at home.
For more TCSS goodness please visit
Music: "Forgive Me" by Le Loup.
Animation: Zander Van Oldenborgh
Camera & Edit: Macauley Rae
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Nazaré Blow Up
Garrett Macnamara and friends surfing the biggest swell of the year!
Nazaré Blow Up from SURFPortugal Mag on Vimeo.
A new world record?
Carlos Burle, Sylvio Mancusi, Rodrigo Koxa, Maya Gabeira, Felipe "Gordo" Cesarano, Hugo Vau, Eric Rebiere, Pedro Scooby, Andrew Cotton and Garrett Macnamara
Shoot with Canon 7D and canon lens 300mm f.4
A film by Hélio Valentim
Nazaré Blow Up from SURFPortugal Mag on Vimeo.
A new world record?
Carlos Burle, Sylvio Mancusi, Rodrigo Koxa, Maya Gabeira, Felipe "Gordo" Cesarano, Hugo Vau, Eric Rebiere, Pedro Scooby, Andrew Cotton and Garrett Macnamara
Shoot with Canon 7D and canon lens 300mm f.4
A film by Hélio Valentim
Monday, October 28, 2013
Howlin' | Homage to Handmade
Howlin' - Homage to Handmade from Warwick Gow on Vimeo.
Entry into the Byron Bay Surf Festival Film Comp: Surf Shorts
Follows Mitch Surman through the process of creating boards and riding them whether that be with a couple of groms new to the sport or with some good friends in pumping Noosa waves. All filmed the Sunshine Coast featuring Coolum and Noosa. Surfers include Mitch Surman, Cale Coulter, Kai Annetts and Luke Potter.
Thanks to Ms Surfboards
Music: The Roshambos ~ Getting High
Bing Surf Shop | Grand Opening Celebration
After much anticipation, the new Bing Surf Shop opens its doors tomorrow, Friday October 19, 2013 at 802 N. Coast Highway 101 in Leucadia (Encinitas), California. Not since 1974 has Bing Surfboards had a fully stocked retail store and showroom. Brainchild of former Billabong executive and surfboard enthusiast, Royce Cansler, managed by Clarke Ledger (formerly of Mitch’s Surf Shop), with Bing apparel designed by Bing rider and ambassador, Chris Del Moro and surfboards by Matt Calvani, the Bing Surf Shop is the collective effort of an extremely talented and dedicated team of surfers and surfboard-lovers. Now you can spend your morning or afternoon surfing fun waves one block over, grabbing an Acai smoothie down the street and checking out the largest collection of Bing Surfboards, Bing apparel and accessories assembled in one location all within a 5 minute stroll.
Look for details about the grand opening event coming soon in a couple weeks!
Look for details about the grand opening event coming soon in a couple weeks!
in, Bing Surfboards
Sunday, October 27, 2013
SURF AND BEER " Leucadia Stone Steps Invitational Surf Contest and Love-In"
SURF AND BEER " Leucadia Stone Steps Invitational Surf Contest and Love-In" from Capitan Surfocker on Vimeo.
Leucadia Stone Steps Invitational Surf Contest and Love-In
winner: The Master Donald Takayama
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Hiddenwood Alaia Summer Session 2013
Hiddenwood Alaia Summer Session 2013 from hidden wood on Vimeo.
Small waves in les Landes with friends and sun.
Hiddenwood alaia glide by:
Remi Petersen
Adrien Rapp
Yan Baldenweck
Filming/Editing Boris Frantz
Friday, October 18, 2013
Tom Thayer | Local Legendz
Tom Thayer - Local Legendz from on Vimeo.
For some people, age really is nothing but a number. Meet Tom Thayer. He was a lifeguard in San Diego for 35 years...until he was 60. An avid bodysurfer throughout, he's amassed decades of knowledge about the sport. To top it off, he's a passionate gardener who uses kelp to fertilize his fruit trees (watch the video to learn how). Legendary, to say the least.
Producer + Camera
Cyrus Sutton
Hayley Gordon
"Hometown" - Instrumental Version
Mick Hargreaves
Is there someone of 'legend' status in your hood? We'd love to know! Submit their photo and a description to or #local_legendz on Instagram and Twitter. We will be giving away a limited-edition Leatherman tool to the best submission of the week!
Local Legendz is an exploration between Korduroy and Leatherman Sport into communities around the world through the guidance of deeply connected individuals who are quietly changing the world from their backyards through hard-work, innovation, craftsmanship and creativity. Through their commitment to this community, this person has gained breadth of wisdom and knowledge which they use in guiding us to a better understanding of place and self, much like the legend on a map.
©2013 KorduroyTV
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
The Boys | Sea Movies
The Boys - Sea Movies from on Vimeo.
In this episode of Sea Movies presented by Reef, Jack Coleman shares some unseen footage from his extensive archives for his film Secret Sound Underground. Knost goes off in California with a supporting cast of Jared Mell and Ellis Ericson. We also take a short visit to Bali with Aussie undergrounder Salsa and some art by the wonderfully talented Andy Davis.
Jack Coleman
©2013 KorduroyTV
Malibu and Friends by Isaac Wood
Log session with CJ Nelson, Jared Mel, Isaac Wood and Nathan Strom surfing some fun summer Malibu
Monday, October 14, 2013
AUTUMN LOGGING, ION EIZAGUIRRE from Ion Eizaguirre on Vimeo.
Autumn logging in Zarautz with Ion Eizaguirre.
Riding 9'6 Takayama model T.
Filmed by Julen Juaristi.
Riding&editing Ion Eizaguirre.
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