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Wednesday, May 28, 2014


"BOB PURVEY" & UGLY MODEL in Follow Me 1969 MAESTROS del LONGBOARD Producciones Surfocker from Capitan Surfocker on Vimeo.
El Maestro Bob Purvey Gran Hotdogger y Noserider de la Segunda mitad de los 60's Aqui Demostrando su Arte en la Peli Follow Me de 1969...

Music: Blast Off - Monterays

Dickies | Kustom Kulture Forever | 2014

Dickies: Kustom Kulture Forever // 2014 - The Shortfilm from The Pixeleye // Dirk Behlau on Vimeo.
A Beastwood Film,
Filmed & edited by Dirk Behlau,
Kustom Kulture Forever Show 2014, Germany,
Client: Dickies,

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Single Fin | 2014

Single Fin - Surf Travel in northern Spain, may 2014


La libertad no es sino una oportunidad para ser mejor
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Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better
Albert Camus

El surf es libertad, sin más.
Subirse a la tabla es desaparecer, desconectar de las prisas y los dolores de cabeza del mundo.
El surf es esa fuente inagotable de energía que nos llena de ilusión por sentir, por compartir.
Somo libres cuando nos deslizamos sobre las aguas, cuando compartirmos una ola, o la perdemos, o la clavamos, nos convertimos en el momento y eso genera felicidad.
Compartir esa libertad, ese poder con aquellos que nos rodean, otorga al simple acto de surfear un mayor sentido.
Eso es lo que significa ser libres, crecer, compartir, reir, concentrarse, respirar, ser.
El surf es libertad, y así será siempre.

SIEMPRE LIBRES (ALWAYS FREE) Surfing is freedom. Getting on your surfboard means disappearing, disconnecting from the stress and the pains of the world.
Surfing is that neverending source of energy that fills us with the joy to feel, to share.
We are free when gliding on the water, whether we share a wave, we loose a wave, we nail a wave, we become the moment, and that, generates joy.
Sharing that freedom, that power with those around us, makes the simple act of waveriding more meaningful.
That is what it means to be free, to grow, to share, to laugh, to focus, to breathe, to be.
Surfing is freedom, and it will always be.

Music: Shabop Shalom by Devendra Barnhard.

CJ Nelson and the 9' 6'' Andrini Vaquero.

CJ Nelson and the 9' 6'' Andrini Vaquero from CJ Nelson on Vimeo.
I was lucky enough to score this beautiful Andrini Vaquero a few months back. This board was made for Kirk Putnam to emulate boards that were ridden in a certain segment of ''Innermost limits of pure fun". Its a blast to ride such a long hull. It taught me a lot about trim and positioning. Thank you Marc for telling me the history and theory behind this particular board. Great design. camera-Justin Bowers music-Beachwood sparks

Monday, May 26, 2014

Chillout | Surf & Skate

chillout surf & skate promotion video.
camera / edit by manon film worx , TATSUYA SAITO.
surfer / MATTCHAN , skater / HIROMU, TAKUMI.

Friday, May 23, 2014

CJ Nelson switch stance nose riding Malibu

CJ Nelson switch stance nose riding Malibu from CJ Nelson on Vimeo.
video-Steve Cleveland/ Paul Katz Music-Glass

La Derecha | Bing Surfboards

La Derecha from Bing Surfboards on Vimeo.
The Bing crew heads up to la derecha (the right) during an early Spring south swell. The sun was out and the crowd was in full force but there was plenty to be had. Featuring Bing team riders: Alessandro Ponzanelli, James Parry and Mick Rodgers along with a guest appearance from Mele Saili. It's good to live in California.

Boards: AP-9'6" Elevator, MR-9'8" Mr. Rodgers, JP-9'6" California Pintail, MS-9'2" Dear & Yonder

Alex Knost | Newport

Alex Knost | Newport 4/29/14 from RVCA on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

CJ Nelson and the 8'4'' Liddle super smoothie.

CJ Nelson and the 8'4'' Liddle super smoothie. from CJ Nelson on Vimeo.
After our first trip last year to the TRIM house i new i was going to be spending a lot of time there. When we left i started collecting boards that were suited for the wave at saladita. Not having any left points really in californa i never had a need for a Liddle so i was excited to get one. I rode it a ton at saladita and learned the rewards and challenges of surfing hulls. Good times......... camera-Justin Bowers Music-Mt.Egypt

Mexico Calling | Seea 2014 Collection

Mexico Calling - Seea 2014 Collection from The Seea on Vimeo.
A magic surf trip with the Seeababes to Mexico. Highlights of the new 2014 Spring collection, amazing surf spots, and lots of fun!

Music: "Something's Rattling" by Benjamin Gibbard

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


MALIBU. from Bird Man Media on Vimeo.

Neal Purchase Jr. | Local Legendz

Neal Purchase Jr. - Local Legendz from on Vimeo.
Going against the grain doesn't always pan out for everyone. But for Neal Purchase Jr., he has found a way to maintain a free lifestyle while still having his hands in a number of creative ventures.

In this episode of Local Legendz in collaboration with Leatherman, Neal reflects back watching his father shape growing up and to the 1977 Stubbies where his inspiration from Michael Peterson fueled his desire to create boards that expand a surfer's approach, allowing that rider to ride different parts of the wave.

Is there someone of ‘legend’ status in your hood? We’d love to know! Submit their photo and a description to or #local_legendz on Instagram and Twitter.

Local Legendz is an exploration between Korduroy and Leatherman Sport into communities around the world through the guidance of deeply connected individuals who are quietly changing the world from their backyards through hard-work, innovation, craftsmanship and creativity. Through their commitment to this community, this person has gained breadth of wisdom and knowledge which they use in guiding us to a better understanding of place and self, much like the legend on a map.

Cyrus Sutton

James Campbell

"A Strangers Map of Texas"
The Woodpiles

©2014 http://www.Korduroy.TV

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Knost Split | Mollusk Surf Shop

Knost Split from Mollusk Surf Shop on Vimeo.
Knost Split | Alex Knost Film and Edit by Jack Coleman

Boards: Unhinged Dane Peterson Pig, self shaped finless

Music by I Marc 4 - Leslie Love

The Boardroom Icons of Foam, Del Mar 2014 | Matt Calvani

The Boardroom Icons of Foam, Del Mar 2014 - Matt Calvani from Bing Surfboards on Vimeo.
The Boardroom Icons of Foam competition was held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds the weekend of May 17th & 18th of 2014. Bing Surfboards own Matt Calvani was the defending champ from 2013 and was one of six shapers invited to this particular competition.

The board they'd have to shape was Ben Aipa's "Sting" surfboard. An iconic board made famous by riders such as Buttons Kaluhiokalani. Ben Aipa dedicated the competition in memory of Buttons who unfortunately passed away Nov. 2, 2013.

The competition was tight between Matt Calvani and Roger Hinds. Roger Hinds eventually got the nod by Ben Aipa after a long deliberation over the two boards. Big congratulations to Roger and all the competitors. Thank you Boardroom for putting on a great weekend centered around the surfboard builders who create the crafts we love to ride.

Margaux Arramon - Tucco | Australia

Margaux Arramon - Tucco | Australia from RVCA on Vimeo.
Margaux Arramon-Tucoo sliding through Australia. Filmed and Edited by Nathan Oldfield, song: Ta Paupiere Cligne by Deux Doux.

Monday, May 19, 2014

CJ Nelson and the 11' Josh Hall Eagle

CJ Nelson and the 11' Josh Hall Eagle from CJ Nelson on Vimeo.
Josh made a 11' eagle for my recent trip to Mexico. I had never rode one before but had heard nothing but good things about this design. I ended up loving the board and rode it every day of our trip. I have never had a board teach me so much about my surfing. I will always have one in my quiver. Thanks Josh, -cj

Golden Sunshine | QLD Surf Trip

Golden Sunshine
from on Vimeo.

Golden Sunshine is a Queensland surf trip between two iconic surf towns. Accompanied by Reis Paluso from Korduroy TV, surfer Otis Carey and film maker Mick Soiza we hit the road in search of waves along Queensland's surf rich coastline from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast.

This QLD surf trip was made possible by Tourism and Events Queensland: - -
Mick Soiza -
Land Rover :
Corona Extra -

Thank you Ryan Mets for sharing with us the video and pictures!!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Hand Shape surfboards by Dan Costa for Banger

Hand Shape surfboards by Dan Costa for Banger from bangersurfboards on Vimeo.
Hand Shape surfboards by Dan Costa for Banger

My Friend Gu

My Friend Gu from Kane Del Mar on Vimeo.
Flap rides his old man's first custom Sam Egan board from the 70's and makes the thing glide.
A quick arvo session on the island of the gods.

Luke Flanders

Sonic Youth
Sacred Trickster

-Film & Edit-
Kane Del Mar

- The Rifle Club -

- FTW Revolution -