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Monday, July 7, 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Involvement Dream | Patagonia

The Involvement Dream from Nathan Oldfield on Vimeo.
Patagonia Ambassador Belinda Baggs rides a surfboard designed in 1968 by fellow Patagonia Ambassador Wayne Lynch. This design came to Wayne in a dream and he called it the Involvement Model. It became the one board quiver that he rode around the world. Nearly forty five years later, Belinda explores what riding that surfboard feels like.

When we look back at that time, we can see that in a few little hotbeds of surfboard design around the globe, boards were getting shorter, outlines were getting curvier, rails were coming down in volume, fins were getting sleeker and moving forward. Wayne Lynch’s Involvement Model is a classic example of these kind of transition era boards.

So it’s interesting to me at least to see Belinda go back to this kind of transitional board four decades later and reinterpret it with a kind of postmodern retrospective, as a woman with her own rich heritage in Australian surfing; as a well-rounded quiver enthusiast familiar with both the longer & shorter ends of surfcraft; & of course as a world-class logger.

I hope you enjoy the film.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Jared Mell | Welcome To The Crap Fam!

We are pleased to announce Jared Mell as the newest member of our Crappy family. Jared is a true California original. His timeless style and carefree approach to surfing and life has always made him one of our favorites. We are very much looking forward to doing some rad things with this epic human!

Shot on location in Newport Beach by Matt Grote

Edited by Matt Grote

"All My Friends" by Cherry Glazerr
Courtesy of Burger Records

Produced by Crap Eyewear

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


HOW FAR from Sam Schafer on Vimeo.
One offshore day with Anton, Justin, Joey, Jason, Bradford, Yata, and Kyle

Tune by GANTEZ

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

LANCE CARSON | "MAESTROS del LONGBOARD" | Producciones Surfocker

LANCE CARSON "MAESTROS del LONGBOARD" Producciones Surfocker from Capitan Surfocker on Vimeo.
Mr Noseriderman.
Considerado en la epoca dorada capaz de comerse un bocadillo en el nose de la tabla mientras surfea por una de esas perfectas olas de Malibu,

Monday, June 30, 2014


DEADHEAD from El Solitario on Vimeo.
Thank you Southsiders & friends for another fresh & awesome Wheels & Waves
Miss many of you in this video still we have a place in our hearts for you
Kudos to my dear FUCK*U 1-Hand driver and ultimate DeadHead @ W&W, Roberto Day for this joy pill

Ash Grunwald | Longtime

First single album Trouble's Door which was released 11 May 2012 - iTunes: door/id518517573

See more at or

Natural Goods

Natural Goods from Marco Mucig on Vimeo.
“Natural Goods” is a documentary celebrating the ocean, wood and nature.

This short documentary is part of the series Ritratti di surf that Onde Nostre has produced to show the reality of surfers, shapers, artists and other personalities related to Italian surf culture. It tells the story of Luca Bressan, designer born by the Dolomites, with the dream of riding the Ocean waves. It’s a ‘cultural clash’ between forest and saltiness. Wood, in fact, has always been part of his cultural heritage, his horizon has always been obscured by trees and mountains, the scent of the forest is part of its natural imprinting: this is how the salt has met the balsa.

His idea of ​​building surfboards, living in the mountains, it might sound crazy, mostly because he has seen waves (ocean waves I mean) more times in pictures than in reality. But when Luca found out that madness was possible, the world became a different place.

Solo Surfboards is the project that came out of it: wooden surfboards, the design that supports nature. It's a new surfboard project, between design and art craft.

Luca was able to give shape to his passion customizing bikes, then building snowboards. The transition to surf shaping was natural for him. His background as a product designer is what makes his boards unique. In all fields innovators are those who can see things in a different point of view, trying to do things that no one has ever done before.

The portrait of Luca has been realized thanks to the support of SUN68. The clothing brand has always stood out for its support to projects with original, innovative and above all reflect the values ​​of freedom and simplicity of which the brand is, from its inception, a spokesman.


Directed by: Marco Mucig
DOP: Marcello Dapporto
Action shots: Mauro Ladu
Edit: Marco Mucig, Omer Sacic
Audio: Lorenzo Dal Ri
Color grading: Michele Ricossa
With: Luca Bressan
Surfer: Alessandro Demartini
Motion: Racoon Studio


JIM KEAYS LIVES from australian surfing resurrection on Vimeo.
During the week that Jim Keays ceased to dwell in the physical realm, we took a tryp to the desert fringes of Australia to commemorate his on-going spirit and to consider the infinite, The Hot Generation and The Masters Apprentices. We saw unusually large numbers of alien space-ships above the highway like hovering custard tarts, and the water was acyd clear mourning. The Messiah was on-fire. And some other blokes got some waves also.

Long live the king of Australian garage!

- Kent Turkich

Friday, June 27, 2014


DUELING SINGLE FINS | DELPERO vs DUDLEY from Jan Latussek on Vimeo.
Two riders, one session, the same waves, the same conditions, two very different surfing styles. The elegance of the dance of these two surfers edited together in a video that brings the best waves of the final of the Salinas Longboard Festival 2013.

Antoine Delpero and Elliot Dudley where consistent and powerful in their approach, to these waves. Salinas gave it´s best, good size and a decent period so these gentlemen could unfold their bag of tricks, and show us how a wave is read and ridden under pressure.

Dos Riders, una sesión, las mismas olas, las mismas condiciones y dos estilos de surf muy diferentes. La elegancia del baile de estos dos surfistas editada, cara a cara en un video que rescata las mejores olas de la final del invitacional de Salinas 2013

Antoine Delpero y Elliot Dudley fueron consistentes en su surf, y enérgicos en su enfoque de esa tiempo que duró la final. Salinas volvió a mostrar su mejor cara, con un swell de buen tamaño y periodo más que decente para que estos caballeros pudieran desplegar su colección de trucos y demostrarnos cómo se surfea bajo presión.

if you like this video, follow us on facebook at

Saturday, June 21, 2014


CJ NELSON AT HOME from CJ Nelson on Vimeo.
This clip was shot over a 2 day period at pleasure point in Santa Cruz ca. CJ is riding his CJ Nelson model by Carl Olsen.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Wheels and Waves 2014

Wheels and Waves 2014 from Manuel Portugal on Vimeo.
Random shots of a fantastic weekend in Biarritz put together in a small video…
Follow my work at

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Goin' right in Sri Lanka

Goin' right in Sri Lanka from Banjo McLachlan on Vimeo.
Video - Max and Shane McLachlan

Edit - Banjo McLachlan

Song - 'You Changed Your Name' by Chad VanGaalen

Surfing by Banjo

Monday, June 16, 2014

Lola In The Neighborhood

Lola In The Neighborhood from Bing Surfboards on Vimeo.
Bing Surfboards team rider Lola Mignot (@lolamignot) comes into town and enjoys a crisp San Diego morning with fellow team rider Mick Rodgers (@mrrodgers_neighborhood).

camera/edit: Aaron Kim (@glassywaters)

Wheels & Waves 014 | SOON

Wheels & Waves 014 - SOON from GREENFILMS on Vimeo.
Wheels & Waves 014 - SOON

Trouble in Paradise | Cycle Zombies

Trouble in Paradise - Cycle Zombies from Desillusion Magazine on Vimeo.
- Pour le sous-titrage francais, selectionnez CC dans la barre de Lecture –

Born and raised in Orange County, California, Cycle Zombies is a collective of family and friends, immersed in a culture of waves, skateboards and motorcycles. It’s a lifestyle many try to embody but few have such a natural and honest approach to the culture and passion this brotherhood share. Desillusion Magazine's Pierre David spent an afternoon with surfer, skateboarder, collector, craftsman and Father of three, Scotty Stopnik, to gain an insight into his life and the values his brotherhood live by.

Shot on location last winter in Huntington, California.

Scotty Stopnik is supported by Electric

This short film is based on the article “Trouble in Paradise” published in Desillusion Magazine 45 , Tome 1 available on

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Pilsner

The Pilsner from Fine Surfcraft x Andrew Warhurst on Vimeo.
The Pilsner.

The go to longboard in the Fine Surfcraft range.
Available from 9'0"-9'8" this board has a straighter outline through the back end but still keeps to that piggy style outline proven to work so well. With constant curve and accentuated tail flip combined with up turned rails it makes for the perfect all round longboard, holds in the critical pockets and you can really bank a turn.
Custom made in Noosa Heads by Andrew Warhurst.

Academy Brand
Alkalai Fins
Topheads Eyewear

By Nick Jones
Additional footage by Nathan Tyack

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Other John, John.

The Other John, John. from Desillusion Magazine on Vimeo.
- Pour le sous-titrage francais, selectionnez CC dans la barre de Lecture –

Originating from the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii. This young prodigy is undoubtedly the future of surfing. Strong in all aspects, he is undeniably one of the best surfers in the world today. But John John isn't just a pro surfer living life on the beach.

French photographer & Desillusion Magazine editor in chief Sebastien Zanella, met John John Florence in his hometown, right in front of the most renowned waves, Pipeline, to discuss his interests out of the water. “The Other John John”, is a short film focusing on the other side of John John, his passion for photography & the simple pleasures in life.

John John Florence is supported by Nixon

This short film is based on the article “The other John John” published in Desillusion Magazine 45 , Tome 1 available on

Monday, June 9, 2014

Surf, siestas y cervezas!!!

Surf, siestas y cervezas!!! from on Vimeo.
Dos dias de trip por la Costa Grande de Guerrero

Gracias a delmar shop, QualityPeoples, OleaSurfboards y ALMIRANTE

Musica: The White Stripes - Hello Operator