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Wednesday, October 8, 2014


UNDER 9 FOOT & SINGLE 2014 from Deus ex Machina on Vimeo.
This was a year of firsts for the Deus 9 Foot & Single festival. Not only were a flock of female cross-steppers dominating the Canggu river mouth, we also held our first annual Under 9 Foot & Single division. We decided to run the spur of the moment shortboard division because we’d (somehow) found ourselves with a bit of extra time. Needless to say, it was a hoot! And surfers who were at the beach early on the finals day (most with sever hangovers from the night of partying at the Temple) surfed four man heats, with the river mouth to themselves. As to be expected, the format was relaxed and competitors weren’t all that competitive, but the waves were fun and the skill level was high. The Under 9 Foot and Single division will become a staple in our festival for years to come and we can’t wait to see who turns up next year, when it’s not so spontaneous.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Handmade Twin fins for "Crème Surfboards"

Handmade Twin fins for "Crème Surfboards" from No pain in Dream on Vimeo.
Handmade Twin fins for "Crème Surfboards" by Tristan Mausse.
Surfer Guilhem Dupouy.
Music: John Zorn

Saturday, October 4, 2014


GLAZZIES REAL HORROR SHOW from Wild Things on Vimeo.
Full feature film by Sam Rhodes, featuring Robin Kegel, Alex Knost, Andy Findlay, Evan Sickrat Daley, Jack Lynch, Jessamyn Jean, Myles Doughman, Cloudy Rhodes, Carl Gonzalves. This is not saturated sunsets and slow motion
This is punk surfing. This is gato heroi australia. This is Wild Things.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Nathan Strom | Surfer Magazine

Most 16-year-old surfers aren’t capable of threading heavy tubes on a 5'2" one day, then riding the nose on a 9'6" log the next, but Nathan Strom is a little ahead of the curve. That’s because Strom has spent the past few years getting the CliffsNotes from longboard icon and fellow San Diegan Joel Tudor. Under the tutelage of Tudor, Strom has dedicated himself to mastering a wide variety of craft, from single-fin longboards to twin-keel fish to high-performance thrusters. With a knack for adapting to various boards and conditions, Strom is quickly becoming one of California’s most versatile surfers.

Kam & Corey | Canvas Surfboards

Kam & Corey from Canvas Surfboards on Vimeo.
Kam and Corey ride the 4 4 by Canvas Surfboards on a glassy afternoon.

Seís Gringos | Canvas Surfboards

Seís Gringos from Canvas Surfboards on Vimeo.
There's really nothing like going on a surf trip with some buddies and scoring some epic surf together. Bonfires, beers, getting lost, camping, flat tires, instant coffee, long windy roads, spearfishing, off-roading, and getting stuck in the sand are all components of a great road trip to Baja. Kameron Brown, Corey Colapinto, Sakae Patrick, Christian Wach, Carson Wach, and Evan Adamson adventure down into to Baja to score some perfect loggin' waves.

Filmed and edited by Evan Adamson of Indigo Beyond

In affiliation with Western Digital #savedonWD


The Preatures - Is This How You Feel
Disclosure - You & Me (Flume Remix)
Sylvan Esso - Coffee
Mø - Glass

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Twins & Fins

Twins & Fins from Manuel Portugal on Vimeo.

A bonita praia de Ribeira D’Ilhas junto à Ericeira recebeu um evento único e muito especial, o nome de Twins & Fins. No mesmo espaço conviveram durante dois dias culturas distintas mas ao mesmo tempo com muitas semelhanças, como são o motociclismo e o surf. Liberdade e criatividade são adjectivos comuns a qualquer uma destas culturas e confirmando isso mesmo os seguidores e amantes de ambos os géneros estiveram lado a lado num dos locais mais emblemáticos em Portugal para o surf.

The beautiful beach of Ribeira d'Ilhas close to Ericeira hosted an event unique and very special, by the name of Twins & Fins. Coexisted in the same space two distinct cultures for two days but at the same time with many similarities, they are motorcycling and surfing. Freedom and creativity are common to any of these adjectives and cultures confirming that even the followers and lovers of both genders were side by side in one of the most emblematic places in Portugal for surfing.

Cafe-Moto Video Series #1 "What Makes a Cafe Racer"

Cafe-Moto Video Series #1 "What Makes a Cafe Racer" from TinMen on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

500,000 Page Views

Thank you all for keeping this dream alive!!!

The Triumph of Spirit over Rationality | BERHAM Customs

The Triumph of Spirit over Rationality from BERHAM Customs on Vimeo.
What's the point of riding a custom vintage motorcycle? An explanation without words.

Told by & with the help of: Christian Pfeil, EPICMAN Production (Director/DP & Producer). H.-J. Berndt, Filmhaus (Consultancy). Leo Plank, MOVING CINE COMPANY Fahraufnahmen GmbH (Crane-Operator). Christian Bernutz, cine4kopter (Stabilized Head-Operator). Tobias Vorbrodt, MOVING CINE COMPANY (Precision Driver). Roman Zimmermann (Multicopter Pilot). Fabian Köhler (Multicopter Camera-Operator). Justin O’Shea (Production Assistant). Kristian Raue (Editor/Composer), Sebastian Moretto (Color Grading).

Music: K_Chico "Burn"

Monday, September 29, 2014


9'0'' JAZZ

9'2'' JAZZ



Buddha from Adam Burns on Vimeo.
Many years ago, Garrett Goodwin and Mylo Zukovich shaped a longboard together and named it the Vichwin. It had a Buddha graphic on it. The board is very beat down these days, but that doesn't stop Garrett from going and having a killer log sesh on it. Also, mysto Derrick Disney wave.

Friday, September 26, 2014

MCTAVISH | "Dedicated to the Craft Series" | Episode one: Matt Chojnacki

MCTAVISH - 'Dedicated to the Craft Series' Episode one: Matt Chojnacki from Stefan José Films on Vimeo.
McTAVISH - Dedicated to the Craft Series

Directed, Filmed & Edited:
Stefan José

Compelled to spend his entire life riding waves Bob McTavish started building surfboards in 1962. Today, over 50 years later, his vision is alive and well at the McTavish Factory in Byron Bay, Australia.
This collection of portraits gives a glimpse into the people and moments that are ... dedicated to the craft.

Episode One:
Surfer: Matt Chojnacki
Music: Pat Capocci

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LEFTOVERS | Crescent Head

LEFTOVERS - Crescent Head from Josh Simpson on Vimeo.

The first B-roll edit shot while filming for my latest untitled film project.

Filmed and Edited by Josh Simpson

Part 1 is shot in one day at Crescent Head, Australia.

Song: Mazzy Star - Blue Flower

CJ Down Under | Foam Symmetry

CJ Down Under from Foam Symmetry on Vimeo.
Cj nelson spent a month in OZ with shaper Ian Chisholm of South Coast Surfboards, this was one weekend testing out his new Noserider as well as the Australian Model. Shot by Robbie Warden. Music by Japanther - Pleased to Meet You
Feature article in Foam Symmetry Volume 4 Number 1 December 2014

The Path | Phil Browne of Glide Surf Co. and The Heavens Glassing

Welcome to Episode 1 of our new film series entitled "The Path". This episode of "The Path" features surfer, surf shop owner, and glasser Phil Browne of Glide Surf Co. and The Heavens Glassing in Asbury Park, NJ.

"The Path" film series will focus on surfers who play a key role in their local surf community by displaying unique trades, philosophies, or stories that we feel need to be shared with the surf community at large.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Manic Phantasmic

Manic Phantasmic from Insight Clothing on Vimeo.
Insight Presents:
Jared Mell Is Manic Phantasmic

In a digital age of decreasing attention spans, Insight challenges you to follow surfer Jared Mell on his
escape from a average day of surfing and into his own euphoria of phantasmal surroundings.
After receiving esoteric directions to consume a piece of Insight, his quest begins.

Starring: Jared Mell
Phantasms: Jody Smith, Lauren Brown, Tiah Eckhardt,

Director & Editor: Olivia Wyatt
Producer: Alek Parker
Creative: Ozlem Esen, Brandon Lomax, Mirko Antich
Animation Effects: Amia Yokoyama
Compositing: Sickboat
Additional editing: Eileen Kennedy
camera: Zachary Haskell, Alek Parker, Ryan Donahue
Music: Cave, "Hot Bricks" Courtesy of Drag City
Hair: Autumn Schweizer
Makeup: Christine Clemens
Styling: Ozlem Esen, Danika Elbertse
Props: Kira Sheppard
Pyrotechnics: Larry Castro
Production Assistant: Vanessa Elliot

Ben Cope Studio
Bob Dixon (7 Artist Management)

Untitled | Jared Mell

Untitled from SEAKONG on Vimeo.
9月10日~13日、奄美大島に行ってきました&ダノーの"JUKE JOINT FREAK SHOW"のダイジェストです。完成版は後日、店頭で配布いたします。ジャレッド・メルの神業的な足運びをご覧ください。

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Official Trailer | FLUCTUS SPLITTERS

Official Trailer FLUCTUS SPLITTERS from Gato Bask on Vimeo.
Fluctus Splitters est un voyage perpétuel autour du shape. Un voyage sur la route, sur les mers et au cœur des ateliers Gato Heroi.
Un long métrage de 40 min entièrement filmé à la pellicule documentant une exploration à la recherche des meilleurs designs et de nouveaux horizons...
Ad Libitum.

Fluctus Splitters is a perpetual travel around the shape. A trip across the road, the seas and into the Gato Heroi workshop's.
A full movie shot entirely with film (super8mm). A 40 min film documenting an exploration for the best designs and new horizons ...

Ad Libitum

Additionals footages:

Pero Hayashi
Clement Maillet
Guillaume Fauveau