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Friday, May 15, 2015


Full cut of Gene Cooper complete surfboard build for the Ultimate Craftsman Project presented by VISSLA. Watch as Gene cuts glues, shapes, chambers, glues again, fills, laminates, sands, hot-coats, fin build, polish.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


FIORE DI MAGGIO from BLOCK10 on Vimeo.
Onde Nostre and Xarifa present FIORE DI MAGGIO,
starring Sebastiano Concas, a mediterranean surfer and marine boy who lives the sea in his houseboat .

Block10 Production
Directed by Luca Merli
Shot by Luca Merli and Gio Barberis
Edited by Gio Barberis
Music: "La Verità" from a mix tape by Skarucna Skerc

Thanks to Natalia Resmini.

Andy Davis and Captain Fin

Andy Davis - "I've crafted an animated short for the crew at Captain Fin featuring our ambassador of stoke, Chuck Shaka."

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stop dredging Mundaka

Stop dredging Mundaka. At stake is one of the best waves in the world!

Free People Presents: A Day with Kassia Surf

Free People Presents: A Day with Kassia Surf from FreePeople on Vimeo.
The sun on your skin, salt on your lips; the ocean, rhythmic and steady, beneath your board...Take a dive into a day in the life with the Santa Monica based brand Kassia + Surf. Shop the collection: or read about it here:



Like Loser Surfer, Longboard Retro Days supports Mundaka!!!

SDSFF 2015 | Promo Trailer

SDSFF 2015 Promo Trailer from MISFIT PICTURES on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The skateboard maker

The skateboard maker from ABC Open Gold Coast on Vimeo.
Have you ever had the urge to chuck in your day job and just do the thing you love.

Well that is exactly what Palm Beach man Jimmy Kakanis did about two years ago when he took up skateboard making full time.

The idea came to Jimmy and a friend when they were having trouble finding the perfect board to skate downhill, so they decided to make their own.

Jimmy wasn't deterred by his lack of knowledge on the skateboard-making process and quickly learned the fundamentals from watching numerous Youtube videos.

He now has the process for skateboard-making down to a fine art while still maintaining his own unique style.

Priding himself on each board becoming a unique one-off shape and pattern is what makes Jimmy's boards different from everyone else's.

His use of fabric to decorate the deck is his big point of difference.

Originally sourcing recycled fabrics from op shops in recent months the process has evolved into Jimmy creating his own graphics from drawings and having those printed on cotton.

Skateboarding is a huge subculture on the Gold Coast and Jimmy is a passionate man trying to make his mark on the industry with his own sense of style.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Paris Bike Shed 2015

Paris Bike Shed 2015 from Alessandro Giuzio on Vimeo.
This video is about Bike Shed Paris


Jive from Braiden Maither on Vimeo.
An edit i made for my good friend Rhett of him logging for a few days at the start of summer.

Jack Lynch | Dead Cockroach

Jack Lynch // Dead Cockroach from Rhythm Livin on Vimeo.
Filmed by Nate Foster during the tail end of the 2015 Noosa Festival of Surfing and the days proceeding.

Music: Sex Drive - Australien

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Behind the Tide | Surf Film | Official Trailer

Behind the Tide is a surf documentary providing an insight into creative individuals who have forged a living through their passion for surfing! Click here for more about this film:

“Filmed in beautiful locations in Australia, Cornwall, and France, Behind The Tide provides an insight into creative individuals who have forged a living through their passion for surfing. It shows a different perspective on surf culture, focusing on those working independently and outside of the mainstream. From shapers to photographers, the film documents how art and a love of riding waves transcends both geographical and cultural boundaries.

Featuring great surfers such as Neal Purchase Jr, Dane Peterson, Thomas Bexon, James parry, Joe Davies, Nathan Oldfield, and many more. Behind The Tide explores surfings nostalgia with the renaissance of longboarding, single fin, alaias, hand planing and tandem surfing.”

Subscribe for more action to X-Treme Here:

R1H1 - Duct Tape 2015 | Noosa Festival of Surfing

The Noosa Festival of Surfing 2015 hosted the Joel Tudor Duct Tape Invitational. Here in R1H1 fine footwork demonstrated by Dane Peterson, Ryan Burch, Thomas Bexon and Robin Kegel.

Music by Chris Bowden and Casey Reid.

MCTAVISH | Dedicated to the Craft Series | Episode seven: Dave English

MCTAVISH - 'Dedicated to the Craft Series' Episode seven: Dave English from Stefan José Films on Vimeo.
McTAVISH - Dedicated to the Craft Series

Directed, Filmed & Edited:
Stefan José

Compelled to spend his entire life riding waves Bob McTavish started building surfboards in 1962. Today, over 50 years later, his vision is alive and well at the McTavish Factory in Byron Bay, Australia.
This collection of portraits gives a glimpse into the people and moments that are ... dedicated to the craft.

Episode Seven:
Surfer: Dave English
Music: Ziggy Alberts

Carter Surfboards | The Magic Bus

Carter Surfboards | The Magic Bus from Jesse Carmody on Vimeo.
Sean Carter builds surfboards by hand in Los Angeles' Eagle Rock. This is a little look into his day to day life as well as the story of the stoke of "new board day!"

Monday, May 4, 2015

SD's Finest Ep.1 | John Haffey

SD's Finest Ep. 1 : John Haffey from Matuse Inc. on Vimeo.
The first installment of Matuse's new new CKTH -- also known as "Can't Knock The Hustle."

Big ups & much love to John Haffey.

Produced by CKTH.

Shot & Cut:

Joseph Campbell
Gage Hingeley
Erik Derman

Catwalk | Leah Dawson in The Zuma Surf Suit

Catwalk: Leah Dawson in The Zuma Surf Suit from The Seea on Vimeo.
Watch the mesmerizing flow of Seeababe Leah Dawson surfing at 200 frames per second at Noosa's point break waves. Leah Dawson is a filmmaker and surfer based on the North Shore of Oahu. She is wearing the Zuma Surf Suit in Black Stripe by Seea!

To view full collections, visit

Filmed by Greg Huglin
Edited by Leah Dawson
"Sol, Mixtape" by Nu
"Saga" Vocals by Daw Yi Yi Thant