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Tuesday, April 18, 2017


HAND MADE from jonathan  may on Vimeo.
A portrait of Mark Rabbidge, a professional longboard surfer through the 80s who shaped many surfboards for champion surfers in the 80s/90s including his wife the 1990 world champ Pam Burridge
Mark lives on the South Coast of NSW, Australia. He has always been connected to the ocean, and is constantly on the pursuit for uncrowded waves. His other passion is cars, and he builds them to suit his unique personality. Whether shaping a surfboard or building a car, the common thread is that they are always one of a kind.

CJ Nelson Session

CJ Nelson Session from Jonathan Anaya on Vimeo.
Spots_ 2nd street south, Cocoa Beach pier
Colby Nickell, Austin Hollingshead and Grey Copenhaver riding their CJ Nelson Designs before the cold front 🖖
Music: Mac Demarco

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Yrwan Garcia Léal | 10'10

Yrwan Garcia Léal- 10'10 from YrwanGarciaLéal on Vimeo.
One winter day 10'10 trimming at Anglet France.
all footages by Freddy Bermond.

Monday, April 10, 2017

2017 Board Clips 2 of 6 | The Rincon

2017 Board Clips 2 of 6 - The Rincon from McTavish Surfboards on Vimeo.
The Rincon is one of the most popular models slipping out the door of our new Byron headquarters showroom. How come so well appreciated and admired by so many happy wave sliders?

Well, the Rincon satisfies the needs of so many Aussies: An easy paddling, easy wave catching midlength. A board that will handle one-foot dribble all the way to powerful lined-up points at double-overhead. A board you can stuff into the passenger seat, and lock inside your chosen set of wheels. How did the Rincon get born to fill those needs?

Fifty years ago the Shortboard Revolution kicked off in Sydney, Australia. The standard everyday surfboard plunged in length from 9'6 down to 6 feet in two years, globally. A true Phenomenon. That first year, 1967, the shapes revolved heavily around stubby full templates and vee bottoms, as we shapers cautiously tried to maintain paddling volume. But by January of '68, we realised knee paddling was over, and Hawaiian inspired templates with full but pointed noses were far more aesthetic and functional. Hence I spent six wonderful weeks at Rincon in California perfecting the shape, riding an endless long rides from way out on the Indicator all the way through to the beach.

The Rincon shape performed so well that it revolutionised the Californian surfboard industry almost overnight. Old clunky longboards were dumped. Speed and carving were in.

The Rincon today is the act same outline template, the same low rocker, and the same small rounded rails, the same sweet specially designed fin. A true honey from sixty-eight, still sweet and perfect in 2017! - Bob McTavish

Noon After | Brigid Lally

Noon After from Adam Burns on Vimeo.
Brigid Lally in "Noon After"

Alex Knost Wild Fire

ALEX KNOST WILD FIRE from Ocean Street Creative on Vimeo.

Music by: The Pin Heads
Track: Wild Fire

Filmed and Edited by Jarryd Watson @ Ocean Street Creative
Instagram: oceanstreetcreative

Monday, February 13, 2017

RVCA Boardroom | Alex Knost

Alex Knost walks us through the inspiration behind his contributions to the RVCA Boardroom. Check out the 3 boards shaped by Alex in the latest addition to our boardroom on

RVCA Boardroom:

Video footage by Tin Ojeda, out takes from the upcoming film "free jazz vein”
additional footage courtesy of Thomas Campbell, Rick Jorgenson, and Jamie Budge. Music by Glitterbust.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Three Mornings | CJ Nelson

Three Mornings from CJ Nelson on Vimeo.
Justin Bowers and I shot this during a few days of swell in santa cruz. In this clip I'm riding a couple different boards shaped by Ian Chisholm and Ryan Engle. A full eps Carbon fiber Slasher that Ian and I have been working on for a couple of years and a two poly prototypes that Ryan and I are messing around with. Testing and tuning my equipment in one of the most beautiful, wave rich environments on earth is a dream come true. Im happy to say goodbye to 2016 and open the door to 2017 with inspiration and love on tap. Many blessings to you and your loved ones in 2017. Stay stoked and thanks for watching,             BE HERE NOW -cj

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Ibon Muguerza thank you very much for sharing your video. I was really impressed with your willpower to overcome such an obstacle in your life. Your ability to overcome a problem and your love of life are incontestable.
It is with great pride that I share your story on my blog. We have a common passion for the sea and nature.

A big hug and good waves!!!

SUNYATA LAPSE from Yarirabou on Vimeo.
The story of Ibon, a young Basque guy, who had a few years a go a several injury that damage his arm and shoulder forever...After years of rehab and trying different treatments, he still suffers from phantom limb pain. With the time, he realizes that when he is really focused in one of his favorites activities; the PAIN is´s just a little LAPSE with no relativity, no pain, no time, no nothing, That´s the SUNYATA, The Illuminating Void.

Official selection of 12th Donostia Surf Film Festibal.
Official selection of New York Surf Film Festival 2013.

Monday, October 31, 2016

How a Long Rodriguez is made

How a Long Rodriguez is made. from Jorge Hunt on Vimeo.
Español - English (below)

Aqui podeis ver como un Long Rodriguez se ha fabricado. Totalmente a mano, realizado por el maestro Carlos Rodriguez en su propio taller que tiene en casa.

Fue un honor poder grabar un video de como se fabrica una tabla que se ha hecho exclusivamente para este video. Es una maravilla verle trabajar con herramientas artesanas combinadas con maquinaria que no habia visto antes. No dudeis en echarle un vistazo a su pagina web y encargar una de estas preciosidades customizadas y únicas, con garantía de por vida.

Musica de THE MATTSON 2 (Track BLACK RAIN del album Feeling Hands)
                    TUYA (Rust del album Waterspot)

Here you can see how a Long Rodriguez Skateboard is made. It's 100% handcrafted by the master Carlos Rodriguez at his own workshop, in his backyard.

It's was an honor to be able to film how this board was made exclusively for this video.  It was amazing how he uses all those old but cool tools combined with other machinery that I never knew existed. Please check out his work and order a precious board that will be custom made with a lifetime guarantee.

Song by THE MATTSON 2 (Track BLACK RAIN from Feeling Hands album)
                TUYA (Track RUST from WATERSPOT)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Biarritz Belza Classic

Biarritz Belza Classic from RVCA on Vimeo.
The Biarritz Belza Classic, a 16-longboarder invitational surf event, took place September 24 at the famous iconic surf location of la Cote des Baques, Biarritz, in France.

With former WSL World No. 2 Antoine Delpero (Bidart, FRA) clinching the very 1st edition of what shall become an annual long boarding happening, there was no shortage of performance during a full day of action blessed with perfect weather and pristine wave conditions. With both male and female competitors gathering in a laid-back authentic moment, it is with great pride that RVCA helped put the inaugural edition up, with a promising future of many more to come.

Check out video recap’ and photography from a day at the beach, in the Indian summer vibe of Biarritz here:

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Travis Reynolds | Shaping in Ericeira

Magic Quiver - "We're super stoked to host Travis Reynolds from Santa Cruz / California here in Ericeira for a quick shaping trip this month. All Travis' boards are handshaped and will be glassed at Wavegliders. Blanks are limited, contact for your custom order."

One California Winter Day | Devon Howard

One California Winter Day -- Devon Howard from Devon Howard on Vimeo.
This edit by Erik Derman was seen on Surfline a few years ago but I've been told no one can find it so we are reposting it here. Why the hood? Well for one, it was freezing water temps. For two, this Patagonia R2 has the benefits of a lightweight 3/2 but the warmth of a 4/3 because of the integrated hood. It's my favorite suit ever. Warmer core temp helps keep these old bones lubed up, and the suit is light enough to feel spunky and spy on the water. Ha! Enjoy.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

MALIBU SURFING HISTORY "A deeper shade of blue"

The Brothers Marshall representing First Point Malibu in Jack McCoy's documentary "A Deeper shade of blue"

By Jack McCoy "The Brothers Marshall"

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fruut Giveaway/Sorteio

O Longboard Retro Days, em parceria com a Fruut, tem para oferecer três embalagens - a seis vencedores - da sua mais recente novidade o Fruut Surf criado em parceria com o campeão Mundial Júnior da modalidade Vasco Ribeiro e que consiste em fatias onduladas de maçã vermelha!

No interior das embalagens, há ainda prémios limitados para oferecer tais como sweatshirts, fatos de surf e aulas com o Vasco.

Para participarem devem basta passarem na página de facebook do blogO passatempo é válido para a Península Ibérica!

Longboard Retro Days in partnership with Fruut has to offer three packages - to six winners - of its latest release "Fruut Surf" (a snack of red dehydrated apple slices) created in partnership with the Surf's World Junior Champion Vasco Ribeiro!

Inside the packaging, there are also limited awards to offer such as sweatshirts, surf wetsuites and classes with Vasco.

To enter visit our facebook page! The giveaway is valid for the Iberian Peninsula.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Can't get away

Can't get away from Jack Norton on Vimeo.
A little clip which was shot in one session on my new Keyo on a recent trip north,  edited and shot by Chris Staley

Monday, August 1, 2016

Nathan Sadoun | pt.2

Nathan Sadoun pt 2 from Bird Man Media on Vimeo.
For a couple weeks back in December, Nathan Sadoun was in California living the California dream. For those couple weeks, Bird Man Media met up and filmed Nathan for the time being. Here we have two parts of his trip. Enjoy!

For my about bird man media, check out

or on instagram @birdmanmedia